Sitting in the pop-up tent, table of wares, notices, coin box. There I am selling my yarns at the farmer's market.
On Sunday, I have an all day plan. Pack up the car, set up the booth, wave and greet and occasionally sell something, pack up the car. I sit and spin, teach spinning and drop spindle, talk wool and fiber prep. I am meeting people, growing my spin group, and playing with my friends. So far, three of my spin buddies have come to sit in the booth with me. There will be more I am sure.
I taught a sweet lady to drop spindle this last Sunday. She bought a spindle and roving. Now I need to make more spindles- ordered parts today. She wants to come and sit in the booth also.
I have knitted string bags, sock yarns, and knitting classes. They will want to sit in the booth also.
Soon, it will be a community booth and I will need more space- 4 is pretty much all I can handle. And I will need to start charging so I can pay my booth rent. But it is really fun to have a community of spinners and knitters out in the open air/shade all playing together.
Now to get some of them to buy all that pesky yarn.
Or pay for a class on dyeing wool. Or to help me card all that fleece.
Well, there is time I suppose in the future for that. Right now, I am recovering from all that fun.